Saturday, August 9, 2008

Coming Spring 2009!

That's right folks! We have a baby on board! Its quite surreal and isn't yet a reality. We are very excited though since I had many fears this day wouldn't come. So, the world will be moved in ways never known to man before when Baby Beck enters the world March 2009! We couldn't be happier!
My first visit to the doctor: (6 weeks)

Its pretty much just a blobb, but amazingly the doc could see a heartbeat (good sign to calm my fears). So, I just trusted him (and the 4 pregnancy tests I took) that I am indeed PREGNANT!

All Ryan keeps asking is if its a boy or a girl. I just keep telling him we've got a while before we can find out. Seeing as he's never really held a baby before this will be an exciting ADVENTURE!